On-Site CNG Pressure Decompression

Rawhide Leasing provides CNG (compressed natural gas) decompression services that can be done on-site for your convenience. Our team of experts will give you fast, easy access to natural gas with little disruption to your business. If you need CNG decompression services, contact Rawhide Leasing today.

How Does CNG Decompression Work?

The decompression process ensures that all high-pressure gas is eliminated before use. To drop CNG pressure, the natural gas must first be heated to no more than 70°F (3600 PSI). Decompression is carefully monitored from an operations center to ensure safety. When completed, the natural gas is ready for use.

Safely Decompressing CNG

At Rawhide Leasing, we take safety very seriously, which is we don’t just meet safety protocols and expectations but exceed them. During the entire CNG decompression process, we’ll carefully monitor levels to ensure there’s no risk to you, your property, or equipment. Each of our team members has been extensively and carefully trained to ensure no one’s safety is put at risk.

Contact Rawhide Leasing to Book an Appointment

No one safely and effectively drops CNG pressure like Rawhide Leasing. No matter how much LNG gas you need decompressed, our team of experts is prepared to handle it. Because our services are offered on-site, there’s no need to worry about transporting or hauling CNG to our facilities. We’ll come to you, perform the decompression with little disruption to you or your business, and be gone before you know it. Contact Rawhide Leasing to learn more about our CNG decompression services.